

Welcome to my health blog. I hope you enjoy my research-based approach to natural fertility, preconception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and baby’s first year! It’s time for autonomous health care and for women to regain their power in pregnancy and birth. I hope I can help you achieve this.

Learn how to easily track your cycles for optimal fertility timing. 

Learn how to easily track your cycles for optimal fertility timing. 

Cycle Tracking   

My cycle was irregular most of my life and I never tracked it until trying to conceive my second son. If someone would have asked me about cervical mucus back then, they would have received an award blank stare, because I had no clue. I had never even looked at my anatomy before. I am sure many of you are in the same boat unfortunately. In medical school I finally learned about my body and monthly hormonal changes. It made a huge difference in my cycles and made it easy to conceive right away with my second. 

The unbelievable truth is that some couples labeled infertile–even after going through IVF–simply have not nailed down the right timing. Cycle tracking is an easy and effective way to determine the perfect timing for intercourse in the most fertile window, and this is different for each couple. In addition, tracking your cycle can sometimes uncover the actual cause of infertility. For example, you can detect absence of or late ovulation, luteal phase defects, infertile cervical fluid, hormonal imbalances, and low progesterone. 

You will want to keep track of every bit of information surrounding your cycle. You can do this by using a paper chart like this or you can use a phone App, such as Daysy, Glow, or the FDA approved contraceptive App, Natural Cycles

Basal Body Temperature (BBT) 

Your body experiences a slight rise in temperature during ovulation through the end of your cycle due to changes in progesterone. To monitor this slight change, it requires a special thermometer, consistency, and persistence. You must take your temperature every morning at the same time before moving or doing anything else. This consistency is crucial because the small degree of temperature change you are looking for is only 0.4–0.8 degrees Fahrenheit. This can be a complicated task for some women to stick to, but I urge you to be patient when it comes to developing this habit. 

When charting your BBT, a rise in temperature should occur after ovulation due to the surge in progesterone; this will typically last ten to fourteen days. BBT is much more helpful and accurate in determining ovulation if done in conjunction with cervical mucus evaluation. When assessing your BBT after a few cycles, you are able to determine if and when ovulation occurs, if luteal phase is long enough for implantation to occur, or if pregnancy occurred and resulted in miscarriage.

Cervical Mucus

Cervical mucus is the vaginal discharge generally seen on underwear or when wiping. You may notice certain days of the month you are more dry while others more lubricated. The consistency of cervical mucus can be assessed on your underwear or liner, or at your vaginal opening. It may leave a symmetrical, round circle on your underwear. Fertile cervical mucus is similar to egg whites and is often a thick, stretchy consistency that usually lasts three to five days. Whereas, infertile cervical mucus is watery, milky, sticky, crumbly, or dry, and can be seen during the days immediately following menstruation through day ten. It is also seen again on day twenty until menstruation starts again.[5]  Healthy cervical mucus is absolutely necessary for sperm to make it through the cervix alive. It provides motility, nourishment, and protection. Cervical mucus assessment is most informative when combined with BBT. 

Cervical Positioning

Your cervical positioning during fertile times will likely be soft, high, and open. In fact, during ovulation you may not be able to reach your cervix during an exam because it might be too high. So, you must assess your cervical positioning during other times in your cycle for comparison. For example, at infertile times your cervix will feel harder, like pressing on your nose, but during ovulation, or fertile times, it will feel softer, like pressing your cheek. 

Tracking Information

There are so many free and paid apps that will help you track all the information you are collecting in one spot. You also can keep track by writing your BBT on a chart. Apps chart the information for you based on what you provide, including your BBT, cervical mucus, and cervical positioning as well as other signs of fertility, such as increased libido, mid-cycle spotting, swollen vulva, breast tenderness, increased sensitivity of skin, and energy levels. 




The top 6 herbs used to enhance fertility and prepare for pregnancy

The top 6 herbs used to enhance fertility and prepare for pregnancy