Preparing for Pregnancy

The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Enhancing Fertility and Nurturing a Healthy Baby Without Sacrificing your Health

Have you been told you or your partner are unable to conceive? 

Have you suffered from miscarriages? 

Have you been pregnant before but feel so worn out and depleted that you don’t feel like you could survive another pregnancy and birth?

Maybe you are like most of us with a growing concern over the rise of autism and childhood cancers possibly stemming from environmental factors in pregnancy…

Or maybe, you’re trying for your first child and you’re overwhelmed with information on toxicity and preconception. 

I totally understand your frustration ….

My husband and I were given a very slim chance of getting pregnant when we were first married. 

I went on to suffer through two miscarriages in our early marriage and five more years without getting pregnant.  

But to our surprise, after cleansing and changing our lifestyles, I fell pregnant with our first born son.

Unfortunately, with the stress of having a child, going to med school and being exposed to toxic mold, I began to experience a severe decline in my health. I vowed to not get pregnant again until I was completely healed. It took a lot of work, but after two years of cleansing and preparing I finally felt ready!

And at the age of 33, I gave birth to our second son…. Believe it or not, I felt healthier then than I did in my early twenties!!

And I can help you do the same... 

My new ebook is your solution for providing the healthiest environment possible for your baby to grow and thrive. This approach can also help you overcome uncomplicated infertility and avoid chronic disease for the years following your baby’s birth!


Here is a some of what you will discover in my Preparing for Pregnancy guide:

How to track your cycles and understand the most fertile days for conception

Common causes of infertility in females and males

What causes of infertility may be corrected by this type of diet and lifestyle approach

How to increase the potential for success of your IUI or IVF 

What kind of impact toxins have on fertility and the health of your baby

What the correlation of preconception and prenatal health and autism is

How to prepare to reduce chances of neural tube defects and miscarriages when you have MTHFR SNP

How to safely deep cleanse for different body types

How preparing your body before pregnancy can prevent your health from declining post partum

Why gut health is so important to establish before conceiving 

How to safely deep cleanse

In detail, step-by-step guide to cleansing and preparing your body for pregnancy laid out in 4 months, 6 months, 1 year, or 2 year format

What botanical medicine, supplements, and diet to use for both male and female partners 

Recipe examples and popular diet discussions to make the transition of healthy eating easier for you

A resource page with every high-quality, professional-grade product I recommend to my patients

I’ve laid out a step-by-step, day-by-day guide for you that is concise and easy to follow!

you have options for what type of approach you’d like to take...

3 month, 6 month, 1 year, or 2 year 

  • 3 to 4 month healthy prep: Some of you may be fertile, but just want to create a healthy internal environment for your future baby.

  • 6 to 12 month cleanse and prep:  Maybe you’re struggling with infertility or recurrent miscarriages and need to detox before conceiving.  

  • 2 year detoxifying and balancing prep: Maybe you’re like me and had a serious toxic exposure or suffer from chronic disease that leaves you feeling completely depleted.

  • Heck, maybe you don’t even want children and you just want to learn about your body and have healthy cycles! Well you can follow any of these plans and see the extraordinary benefits in your health.

Who am I and How Can I Help You?


Before becoming a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, I worked as a registered nurse on the medical surgical and postpartum unit for several years. While working with mothers and babies, I became a certified lactation consultant and found a true love for this area of medicine. During my education at Bastyr University, I also completed a series of courses on pediatric functional neurology, discovering the importance of preconception care for avoiding neurological developmental disorders such as autism and ADHD.  

In addition to my medical background, I am also a mother of two amazing, beautiful, healthy boys. But I didn’t always think it was possible for me to have a family… 

You see, when my husband and I were getting married, we thought it wasn’t possible for us to conceive. He had a non-existing sperm count after several rounds of chemo, while I suffered from multiple ovarian cysts over the years with a complete mess of hormones. We both were told it would be extremely difficult to conceive, if possible at all.

After we married, we adapted a much healthier lifestyle and started seeing naturopathic doctors instead of conventional medical doctors. It was then I realized diet and lifestyle can truly make an impact on our hormones. I began researching and became obsessed with natural healing techniques. 


This was when I began my journey to become a naturopathic doctor. I attended Bastyr University, an accredited four year doctorate program. In my first year of the program… and a few years after adapting a healthier lifestyle... I fell pregnant :) We were surprised, to say the least! But as healthy as I was, I still wasn’t prepared for the amount of stress it would put on my body while in medical school. The lack of preparation left me feeling depleted in my postpartum period.

To top it off, when my son was one and a half, I became very ill from toxic mold exposure. My health was completely deteriorating, and I knew then I would never try to conceive until I cleansed my body thoroughly. I knew if I were to get pregnant, my baby would get all he needed from me, but I would be left feeling drained.  This is what led me to develop the extensive two year preparation plan presented in this book. I felt healthier after birthing my second son at thirty-three than I did in my early twenties!

I prepared a little more each pregnancy, learning the ins and outs of healthy living and most importantly… learning from my mistakes. I read numerous books and studies, took courses and never stopped pursuing more information that could help me and my patients. Now I am sharing this information with you...

For a six month program with one-on-one coaching with me, you would expect to spend well over $4,000. But I wanted to reach more couples, and I wanted to offer a solution for those who could not afford the one-on-one coaching.

In over 150 color, photo filled pages I’ve gone through all the hard work of researching it and testing it out, and I share all the essential facts and insights that you could ever need, so you don’t have to learn by trial and error or spend thousands of dollars.

This is a one-stop-shop kind of reference book, so you no longer have to rely on inaccurate google searches or purchase a ton of books to find safe and effective solutions for cleansing and preparing your body for pregnancy. You will find all the information you need in this one ebook, equipped with the resources and studies to support my approach. 

Imagine if this book could help you avoid multiple IVF attempts and save you tens of thousands of dollars! Imagine if you could feel healthy and vibrant! Not only can this book help you conceive, it can also help you feel healthier in pregnancy and postpartum than ever before! 

Here is a sneak peak inside my book…



Is this book only for women with infertility?

Absolutely not! This book is made for women of childbearing years that want to make their body the healthiest possible to regulate their cycles, feel strong, recover from birth control use, restore their gut health, and simply learn about their bodies before becoming pregnant. 
This book is ideal for couples wishing to get pregnant in the next year or so, but desire the best chances with conceiving, and healthiest outcome for the pregnancy, birth, baby, and postpartum. 

Who is the target audience?

The ideal reader for this book is a couple wanting to get pregnant within the next year or so, who wants to optimize their pregnancy and birth outcomes. But this book is also great for those who are experiencing infertility due to irregular periods, inability to track cycles, hormone imbalances, low sperm count or poor sperm morphology. 

It can also be very beneficial for a woman who suffers from autoimmune disease of chronic gut imbalance that has made becoming pregnant very difficult. In addition, this book is great for young women who simply want to learn more about their cycles and hormones. This approach is great for correcting the unbearable PMS symptoms with cramping and painful periods. 

So even if you are not tryin to get pregnant, you can learn a lot from this book! 

Is this book about infertility?

Although I have included an extensive section on infertility, this book is not specifically about infertility. I encourage all my patients, and all of you wanting to conceive to complete the cleansing and preparation in this book whether they experience infertility or not. You may be pleasantly surprised that after both partners follow the suggestions in this guide, they experience a successful pregnancy.